Sunday, September 28, 2008


Nana e-mailed tonight. She keeps us up-to-date on Isabella Faye's new tricks! Tonight she told me that IF has started hugging everyone and is very loving.

What a wonderful thing for a mother to hear! My heart is soaring and I can't stop smiling!

There is no way to adequately thank Nana and her family for modeling a loving home, for showering IF with affection. Children learn by what the see and my precious baby is learning to be a happy, sweet, funny girl!

I must admit I'm a little overwhelmed just now. Oh how the Lord provides! My baby isn't with me, but she's with a family raising her just as I will. That is nothing short of a miracle! God put our daughter with a foster mommy with a heart like mine!

I am so very proud of my baby girl. I can't wait to feel her little hugging arms around my neck! I thank God for Nana and her family and I hope you will too!

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