Monday, September 8, 2008

God sent...

This morning, standing at the sink washing up the breakfast dishes I had that feeling. It's that one where a sob wells up in your throat, your heart starts to race and your stomach fills with butterflies. I haven't had that feeling since we got out of PGN but there it was-panic, anxiety, fear, pain-all rolled into one awful breathtaking emotion.

This afternoon, standing at the sink washing up the bottles of a little boy I'm watching, the phone rang. It was a friend who said I had been on her mind today. Her words were kind and sweet as she validated my feelings and promised her continued prayers.

What a God-send. Thank goodness she followed God's leading and called me!

This wait is hard...harder than anything I've ever done or faced and let me tell you, I've faced a lot! But when God sends miracles of a phone call from a friend, just when I need it-I know He is with me and he'll see me through!


Gail said...

That is so awesome!! It is wonderful how God works!!

Susannah said...

Beth, describing those feelings brings back so many memories of that same feeling! Never did I dream adoption would be like this. I still don't understand but I pray so hard that when people look at you and your family, that all they will see is our precious Father. May your family ooze God's love. May your family shine so bright and may you be the stepping stone for IF, pushing her higher than we have ever gone spiritually towards our Maker and may she bring Jesus to thousands of people, may your heritage be Christ and may your future generations be bright lights in a lost world for Christ!
i love you, sister
may peace be to you in His name