Saturday, June 14, 2008


Isabella Faye is 10 months old today. Sure didn't ever think she'd still be in Guat. on her ten month birthday. My heart is just breaking today as we wait for her. Oh how I hope and pray she is home by her 1st birthday on August 14. If not, I will make the best of it and go see her and celebrate with her and her foster family, but that will be yet another thing John misses. Just feeling extra sad today. Weekends are hard becuase you know there isn't anything happening-no new news. But then weeks are hard too, waiting and wondering everyday if you'll hear something. Plus, I battle a disease called Fybromyalgia. It leaves me in widespread pain and on days when it is worse, everything is worse!

Even as I've typed, the Lord has reminded me of a verse. Oh how I love that He hears us and speaks to our needs. I have typed it here from The Message translation of the Bible.

But those who wait upon God get fresh strength. They spread their wings and soar like eagles, They run and don't get tired, they walk and don't lag behind. Isaiah 40:31 The Message

Lord, I will wait on you today. I will trust in your timing-even when I don't understand it. I will accept your fresh strength and soar like an eagle.


Carr Family said...

Happy 10 month Birthday, IF.

With love from Samantha, who is praying as hard as she can that you'll be home celebrating your first birthday with your forever family.

The Flores Family(Maria, Jose and Jose Luis) said...

I remember my long wait and journey to Jose Luis. Although his process took nine months, it was 12 years I waited to be bless with a child........praying for you and your sweet daughter to come home soon!

the flores family(Maria)