Sunday, June 15, 2008

A little more refining...

Pastor J preached on jealousy this AM. Apparently I wasn't totally done being refined. The Lord really hit me with the fact that I am jealous when I see a family have a seemingly easy process. I find myself checking time lines to see if the person posting is deserving of my sympathy. NOT GOOD! So, today I laid my jealously at the Lord's feet. Is it fair that some of us have to wait, wait, wait?!?! NO! But its not unfair that others got to come home. It's not their "fault." Praise God and hallelujah that their children are home! Is it fair that those running Guat. adoption are changing everything and causing these delays? NO!!!! But that's not the fault of the families that had an easy process. I have been learning that this whole thing isn't a contest (as Betsy has been trying to teach me) but I still hadn't let go of all the jealousy.

The point is that all the children come home-whether their parents are nice or mean or have had a hard or easy life.

I pray and cry and pour my heart out to God in petition that He will bring my daughter home soon-but I also must praise Him when others come home. I have to remember that God has a different timing for them based on their lives-what they've been through and who they are. I know that God is looking out for me and if I'm jealous and want someone else's timing, then I'm not really trusting God and letting go. Jealousy is me still holding on.

Lord, I lay this jealousy and entitlement at your feet. I trust that your timing for Isabella Faye is perfect for our family. Your timing for another family is perfect for them. I commit to praise you when children come home, no matter how soon or easy their process seemed. You see all, I see only this waiting. I trust you to see the whole, big picture...may your will and your timing for our family be done.


Carr Family said...

Amen, dear friend! Amen.

Anonymous said...

I will keep you in my prayers Beth and John. The Lord will take care of you. We love you guys!