Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Prayer for Isabella Faye's birthmother

The Lord has been dealing with me for some time regaring Isabella Faye's birthmother. For those of you who don't know, the process of Guatemalan adoption has been recently changed and instead of birthmothers being interviewed by the child's attorney without the the child present, the birthmothers are being interviewed with the child present, by PGN officials. John and I have struggled, worrying that seeing Isabella Faye's beautiful perfect face and her precious personality, that her birthmother might change her mind. We have come to understand though our struggle and prayer and much reading of the scriptures, that Isabella Faye is GOD's child, not ours and that ultimately, only God knows what's best for her. So, we have begun to pray for what's best for Isabella Faye-regardless of what that is. We have prayed for her birthmother as well. But tonight, for me, was different.
I went to the altar at church and I "brought" Silvia, Isabella's birthmother with me. I told the Lord that is Silvia was praying about all this, to let her feel me praying right alongside with her. I envisioned my arm around her as we prayed and I asked the Lord to let her feel my presence and my love. And, I asked the Lord that if Silvia didn't pray, that he would accept my prayers on her behalf. I prayed for God to give Silvia disernment, peace, strength and courage. I prayed His arms around her shoulders and his love around her heart. And the amazing thing is-I meant it! I love Silvia and I owe her a debt of untold gratitude for Isabella Faye.
Please pray with us for Silvia.


Anonymous said...

Praying for you, sweet IF, your birthmother and those conducting the interview. May they treat her with much dignity and may she feel God's peace. Praying this will be your final step to FOREVER.
Much love and prayers,

Carr Family said...

You are amazing and an example to me as you surrender to God and intercede for/with Silvia. God is growing you through this process. I see change just in the few months I've known you. Isn't it wonderful to serve a God we can trust? A God who works all things for good according to His glorious plan. You are a part of that plan, for IF and for Silvia. Praying with you...