Tuesday, October 14, 2008

My new blog header!

Notice the new blog header? Sweet Amy surprised me with this! She wrote the poem herself! She has been my prayer partner throughout this adoption. We have rejoiced with each other, cried with each other, laughed and laughed, sung to each other, told the other one's crazy and certianly prayed with and for each other!
She has her precious Samantha home, she came home in January. She waits still for Geovany, who lives in an orphanage in Guatemala. His case has been in PGN for 11+ weeks now. Please pray for approval so he can quickly come home.


Anonymous said...

I just LOVE your new header and that poem is just beautiful. I actually read the poem first and then new what glorious occasion took place today. This is indeed a poem that you will cherish forever. I am sooo glad that you were willing to listen to God's calling for adoption. Along the way you not only found IF but, a friend in Amy.

God Bless,

Taylor family: Tim, Becky, Tabitha said...

Yes, Beth, the poem that Amy wrote for you is beautiful. I love the new header as well.

Anonymous said...

The poem and picture are precious!