Tuesday, October 28, 2008

DNA at Labcorp!

IF's DNA sample has arrived at the lab! Now it will be processed and overnighted to Guatemala. The time it takes to process a sample varies but we are praying for a speedy quickturn around and for sweet girl to be home in a flash!

Please continue to pray for her foster family as her time with them winds to a close.


Anonymous said...

Hi. coming out of lurkdom to say hello. i found your blog recently. Praying you bring IF home soon. Ellen, mom to 21 month old daughter who came home in jan 2008 at 12 months. (sorry, don't have a blog) eblharrison@yahoo.com

Carr Family said...

Can you even believe how close you are? It's the home stretch, dear friend! You've almost made it. You've persevered to the very end and now the finish line looms just ahead. But we both know, it's not really the end of your journey, but the beginning. The beginning of life as a mom, as a family of three. I cannot stop smiling. The joy I feel for you is overwhelming. It helps me wait with peace, reminding me that God finishes what He begins, in His perfect timing.

Anonymous said...

The Friends in Guatemala prayer for you and are happy
You is great mom

Anonymous said...

I'm with Amy it's not much longer now friend!!!! Can you believe it your FINALLY here?!?! Sweet IF will be in your FOREVER arms very soon and then the best part starts..a family of 3 FOREVER!!!! I'm still praying for a PINK Friday and a VERY speedy pick up.
Love and prayers,

Taylor family: Tim, Becky, Tabitha said...

Beth you are almost there! Hang on just a little longer.
Becky & Tabitha

Susannah said...

I know you are going crazy getting everything perfect for when your baby comes home! You will be on a plane before you know it, and IF will be in your arms forever! Congratulations,Mama!
God has done so much more in our lives besides just bring us daughters. Would you ever have guessed all of the friendships would grow through this? Ever know people all across the country and love and cry with them without ever have even given them a hug? It is overwhelming. Thank You, Lord Jesus.
I love you, Beth
Oh Susannah from down in Georgia