Sunday, July 6, 2008

New picture!! YEAH!

Here's a new picture of sweet girl that Nana Janeth sent on Independance Day. I was having a rough day so it was perfect timing! God is so good to give us what we need when we need it! Thank goodness for Nana Janeth.
Sweet girl's hiar is getting long, huh? Every time I think can't possibly get more beautiful...she does!! We are so blessed to have this amazing daughter!


Stacy said...

She is so beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I tell ya Beth...that little sweetie of yours gets PRETTIER everytime I see her. I'm happy to see that she is doing so well. Praying that your BM interview gets scheduled and DONE this week.
Then for an immediate OUT to follow quickly.
God Bless,

Robyn said...

She is beautiful!! I pray you see some progress in your case VERY soon!!
