Sunday, May 25, 2008

Sweet girl is trying to walk!

We received a wonderful suprise in our inbox tonight-pictures of Isabella Faye, standing up...Look-Mom-no-hands standing up! John is teasing me becuase I'm happy and sad! He said, aren't you glad she's developing so well? I said no, I want her to wait for me! I'm kidding of coarse, I am thrilled that she is developing so perfectly. Its just hard to miss this stuff...first roll over, first crawl, first steps...but I know there will be so many more firsts. Nana Janeth has been so good to keep us up to date about Isabella Faye while she's had her, I'm gonna make sure to do the same for her after IF comes home.

John was just saying tonight how blessed we are to have Janeth. I know that as she and her family are witnessing Isabella Faye's firsts they are cheering her on and rewarding her with lots of hugs and kisses and praise-just like we would.

Its funny, if you know me very well at all, you know I am an arogant woman when it comes to childcare. I think I'm rignt, well...always! So you are gonna be very shocked by this statement! I trust Nana Janeth completely! I never worry about Isabella Faye's care. I feel like God gave us Janeth becuase she and I mother in very much the same way. Isn't it beautiful how much God love us that he gave us this foster family! I never take for granted how fortunate we are to have this family that keeps in contact with us and lets us know about our sweet girl!

Enjoy these pics of sweet girl and please keep praying her home! Pray also for her birthmother who either has, or will be having an interview soon. She will be asked to confirm her desire to place IF for adoption. This will be her final interview. Pray for her perfect peace and courage as she makes this final decision. Pray also that she is treated with kindness and respect by her interviewers. And, say a prayer of thanks for Nana Janeth and her wonderful family!


Carr Family said...

God gave us a wonderful foster family as well. We have continued to keep in touch with them since Samantha's homecoming.

Rejoicing with you that God has blessed IF with such special "mommies". A birth mom who had the courage to dream big dreams for IF. (Praying she'll have the courage to reaffirm that decision!) A foster mom who loves her like she's her own. And an amazing woman who had the courage to follow God's call and step out on this rocky road of international adoption, knowing not where that road might lead! IF has an amazing heritage already. May she choose to live up to that and honor the choices that have been made on her behalf.

I can hardly wait to rejoice with you when IF comes home. What a day that will be!


Taylor family: Tim, Becky, Tabitha said...

You are SO blessed to have such a good foster family for IF. I'm not sure that our's was that good for Tabitha given the fact that she was only 14 lb 12 oz when we got her at age 10 months. She'd been 14 lbs since she was 7 months old! God had a plan for us though and I'm SO very thankful that she is home. I pray everyday for the little ones still in Guatemala waiting for government buracracy (don't know if I spelled that right) to let them come home. I will continue to pray that IF gets to come home soon!
Becky T. (Tabitha's mommy)

Kelly said...

I couldn't have said it any better than Amy!!! All I will say now is I with everyone else am praying Miss. IF home home home.
God Bless,