Monday, January 14, 2008

Where it all started and where we are now...

We started our process way back in December of 2006, as we began to compile documents for our home study. Lots of ridiculous paper chase problems later, we were done! Our home study complete, we began to compile our dossier. Believe it or not, more paperwork dilemmas...none our fault, I might add! Finally, after 7ish months, we were ready to accept a referral.

Isabella Faye Embry was born on August 14, 2007 as Silvia Maria Sanchez. She weighed 7 pounds and 8 ounces and was 20 inches long. We chose her on August 17, 2007.

Isabella Faye is now 5 months old. We were in the last step on the Guatemalan side of our adoption (called PGN) up until January 9. Then we were "kicked out" (fancy adoption lingo) for a problem with our paperwork. It's crazy! It could be something as simple as a smudge! Now, with paperwork fixed, we are waiting to reenter PGN. Why are we waiting? Well, now we have to be registered with the newly created Central Authority in Guatemala. As soon as this takes place we will be back in PGN. Usually the time in PGN is 8 weeks but we hope to be "out" (as in, done) sooner. Guatemala seems anxious to finalize all cases that are under the old law. (The laws of Guatemalan adoption have drastically changed recently.)

Then, the last step will be tying up loose ends. A 2nd DNA test will be taken of Isabella Faye and her birth mother and a new birth certificate will be issued...and we will receive notice of an appointment at the US Embassy in Guatemala. We will fly down, get our baby, go to our appointment, get her passport and come home! I can't wait for that!

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