Thursday, March 11, 2010

What I Need You All To Know...

Hubby and I were talking the other night about how sometimes people act like having an adopted child is some sort of consolation prize. Like, since we couldn't have biological children we got one of these. Or, like, its nice we've done this, but aren't we gonna have...oh, my four most hated words, gulp, one of our own.
What I wish people understood is that Isabella Faye isn't our second choice. Adoption wasn't our Plan B. Both Hubby and myself have known since we were children that we would adopt. One of the things that drew us together was our passionate desire to adopt our children-all of our children.

I have, since I was young, taken Matthew 25:40 as a command (for me) to adopt. I love this translation of the verse from The Message Bible:

Then the King (Jesus) will say, 'I'm telling the solemn truth: Whenever you did one of these things to someone overlooked or ignored, that was me - you did it to me.' Matthew 25:40 ~The Message.

Now God may not have called everyone to adopt, as he did Hubby and myself, but call us he did-to a life of joy another land, to an incredible people, to a grieving but resolute birth mother, who didn't want her daughter, our daughter, to be overlooked or ignored.

I am thrilled for those families whom God has called to give birth to children. When my friend Tonya was pregnant with her adorable red-haired baby boy, I asked gazillions of questions. I was utterly fascinated and listened with rapped attention to every symptom and story. I was overwhelmed as I watched her tummy grow, knowing that there was a human life inside her. It reminded me yet again, of how amazing God is. God called her to give birth and she has, to two handsome sons, either one of which would make an awesome husband for my sweet girl someday! :-) So, those of you with biological children, please don't think I am being critical of you! What you have done is a beautiful, incredible miracle of God.

But what I need you all to know is that for us, adoption was our first and only choice. Isabella Faye is not our consolation prize. She is not Plan B. She is our loved, adored and chosen gift from God.


Jess said...

Great post. I get the "consolation prize" vibe from people occasionally - we might have not started our marriage considering adoption but now know it's a blessing that we wouldn't trade, and that God built our family PERFECTLY!

Anonymous said...

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