Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Spring Break '10:The Reds

This year for Spring Break we took a long weekend trip to see Aunt Betsy and family in Cincinnati. Daddy was coaching at a tournament and couldn't go but Aunt K and the boys did!
Isabella Faye is a wonderful traveler and had a great time, though she did miss Daddy and I did too!
Hubby was thrilled to hear all the details of our trip (IF and I LOVE details!)and we are excited to take him back this summer!

The game was during IF's nap-time. She didn't let a stadium full of screaming fans stop her from sleeping from the bottom of the 2nd inning to the top of the 8th!
What a beautiful sight!
Fellow Reds fans...and a few (stifling vomit) Cardinals fans...
1st Base Coach Billy Hatcher and one really lucky kid!
Just a little tribute to Bronson Arroyo, my FAVORITE Red!!

1 comment:

Hannah said...

Great pictures! We were at a Reds game last much fun!