Sunday, February 14, 2010

Home Longer Day

Today marked one day longer that Isabella Faye had been home than she wasn't. We donned the day Home Longer Day and celebrated with a yummy lunch at our favorite local restaurant after church and a new movie for sweet girl.

It was a profoundly healing day for me. I have dealt with much bitterness since Isabella Faye came home. I have been so angry that we missed so much of her early life. I have been jealous of those whose adoption went more quickly and seemingly more easily. I have complained of her growing up so fast when I missed so much of her being little. There has never been a time when I have taken for granted that she is even home at all. With all the changes in Guatemala toward the end of the adoption, there were many times when we wondered. I know it is a miracle of our Heavenly Father that her adoption was completed. But, still, in my humanness-I long for those months we missed.

Yesterday at church as I worshiped, God brought to my mind this thought: I carried you through fifteen months of sorrow, to fifteen months of absolute joy!

In a terribly low time in the adoption my best friend, the famous Aunt K, who had survived an anguishing foster care adoption, told me: I've always thought the harder the fight, the deeper the love.

How right she was. I can't imagine loving this girl any more.

He carried me from fifteen months of sorrow to a lifetime of absolute joy...


Brittany said...

This post made me tear up...what a blessing she is to you and your family.

I love your aunts quote...beautiful!

Amy Rouse said...

I can't tell you how many times I have thought the very same thing. I feel like Mya is growing up so fast. I wish sometimes I could just slow everything down. I'm also really sad sometimes about how much time I missed, but then my very next thought is thanking God that she even made it home to us with the craziness in Guatemala. You're not alone with your feelings. I'm so glad the Lord gave you peace today!