Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The Zoo!!!

With the high in Nashville on Monday 77, Aunt K and I decided to take the kids to the zoo.

We had the best time! I often had a lump in my throat and had to fight tears of joy and relief. I kept thinking about all the times I we had gone to the zoo or done something else fun in the 15 months we waited for IF. We would always talk about her and plan for the day she would be home, but the pain of missing her and not being able to share our fun with her was terrible for not just me but Aunt K and the boys. They spent those 15 months sadly waiting and praying too! I praised God continuously that day, thanking him that I was pushing my squealing daughter around that zoo! She loved it! Her favorite animals were the meerkats and she came home with a stuffed one who she named "me-kitty." His poor fur is usually damp and matted from her kisses...but he is well loved!

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